
Showing posts from July, 2017

Drink for the Gym

The gym drink I used to take to drink slowly during my workout was based on milk - too much milk at one go for compliance with Gundry, due to the sugar content - especially as I used to use lactofree milk. I have tried a few alternatives: one I liked (but my partner did not) was made with a head of romaine lettuce blended with water, salt, olive oil and some balsamic vinegar - a liquid salad in effect.  I also made a similar variation using raw beetroot, which again, was to my taste, but not to his. Today's drink was more to his taste, and is likely to become a staple: My freezer is full of bags of nuts, which I use to make nut milk. These I have soaked overnight, drained, and frozen in small bags of about a large mugful of nuts each: just enough to make a litre of nut milk. I look one of these - walnuts in this case, and placed it in the blender with two teaspoons of instant coffee granules, two drops of stevia (I don't like the flavour, I just wanted to give it a t...

Coconut Yoghurt

The recipe I have used successfully so far is as follows: Ingredients: a.) Two tins of thick full fat coconut milk. b.) One tablespoon of "Symprove" probiotic, which contains L. rhamnosus,  E. faecium,  L. acidophilus,  and  L. plantarum .   c.) One teaspoon of sugar as 'food' for the yoghurt cultures. I then placed this in the oven on the lowest heat setting (just with the fan running - I did not check the temperature, but after a few hours, the container with the yoghurt was comfortably warm to the touch, but not hot); a yoghurt maker would also do the trick. I let the yogurt gently ferment for over 10 hours. At this stage, the yoghurt was white and creamy, but still too thin, unless you were aiming for a drinking or pouring yoghurt. d.) I look 1 tablespoon of plain gelatine, and dissolved it in 1/2 teacup of cold water, and then fully dissolved it by microwaving it for 1 minute. I poured the hot gelatine into the yoghurt, and stirre...